Webinar: Breast Cytology – What is new and cytological challenges

Dr. Wendy Raymond, FIAC

Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders University of South Australia and Clinpath Pathology, Adelaide, Australia

The presentation will describe the latest WHO reporting System with examples and highlight the areas of difficulty.

SATURDAY: August 17th 2024 (Hong Kong Time)

10:00 a.m. Hong Kong Time New link details
Meeting ID: 815 6820 2391
Passcode: 445864

SPEAKER BIO: Dr. Wendy Raymond, FIAC

  • Wendy Raymond is a specialist Pathologist at Clinpath Pathology and at Flinders Medical Centre (SA Pathology), and is Associate Professor in the School of Medicine, Flinders University of South Australia.
  • She holds a Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA), a Doctorate in Pathology from the University of Adelaide and is a Fellow of the International Academy of Cytology.
  • Dr Raymond is Chair of the Breast Pathology Quality Assurance Committee of the RCPA, is Consultant Pathologist to BreastScreen South Australia and is a Past President of the Australasian Society of Breast Disease and of the Australian Society of Cytology.
  • She has been actively involved in national breast cancer reporting guidelines and convening national and international meetings related to breast pathology and cytopathology.
  • She has published widely in breast pathology and cytopathology, including co-editing the recent IAC Yokohama system and WHO systems for Reporting Breast Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytopathology.