CT(IAC) Renewal Fee

Secure Payment Portal

The fee for one renewal period is twelve Euros.

If you are using the payment portal for a fee other than the current renewal period please choose the option „other“ and enter the reason for payment together with your name.

Payment in EUR with credit card, Apple Pay or Paypal.
Please enter your details in the form on the right.

Payment in Euro through bank transfer:
Please do not send a personal draft/cheque. Please cover all charges, this can be expensive for non-Euro accounts.

International Academy of Cytology
Deutsche Bank, Rotteck Ring, 79098 Freiburg, Germany
IBAN: DE86 6807 0024 0215 1470 00
Account Nr. 2151470 00
Reference: IAC (five-digit number), family name, given name.

Please inform this office of any change of address.

The International Academy of Cytology Office of the Secretary-Treasurer
Massimo Bongiovanni, MD, FIAC
Wilhelm Str. 24A – Hinterhaus
79098 Freiburg

Tel: +49 761 292 3801
E-mail: centraloffice@cytology-iac.org
