Two Day IAC Tutorial, Lahore, Pakistan

Friday 14th – Saturday 15th July 2023, Hotel One, Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan

IAC Tutorial Lahore Pakistan July 2023

The International Academy of Cytology (IAC), IAP (Pakistan Division) and Histopathology and Cytology Society of Pakistan held a most exciting educational event – “The Cytopathology Tutorial” on July 14-15, 2023, in Lahore, Pakistan.

Cytopathology as a field has evolved into a frontline clinically-oriented discipline, playing a pivotal role in timely and accurate patient management. Recent years have seen an exponential growth of newer techniques (automation, immunomarkers and molecular testing) being applied to augment morphologic evaluation of cytologic specimens. Additionally, there have been several significant revisions of tumor nomenclature and classifications in Histopathology which directly affects the way the diagnoses of such lesions are rendered in Cytopathology. Several updated “Reporting Systems” have been introduced in Cytopathology. There are new therapeutic approaches personalized for oncologic patients with important implications on cytologic interpretations.

Labore Cytology Tutorial 2023

Thank you for the excellent organisation. Dr. Loya and Dr. Mudassar, the architects of the great meeting.
(L-R) Dr. Syed Ali, Dr. Asif Loya and Dr. Mudassar Hussain.

Lahore Cytology tutorial 2023

This two-day course brought the world’s leading experts in Cytopathology to Pakistan, in person and virtually, along with distinguished national speakers. The tutorial exposed general pathologists, cytopathologists, pathology trainees and cytotechnologists not only to a comprehensive didactic curriculum but by employing unique ways of faculty-to-attendee interactions offered a truly enriching educational experience. A combination of focused unknown case presentations and high-resolution video microscopy/virtual slide presentations will follow each lecture session. Each afternoon session ended with an hour-long special interactive presentation of truly “challenging cases” with active participation of the attendees.




It is hoped that after the meeting a link can be provided for the registrants to view videos for a limited time.



Dr. Zubair Baloch, MIAC (Virtual)
