The GOLDBLATT AWARD was inaugurated in 1960 by the late Maurice Goldblatt, the founder and Honorary Chairman of the Cancer Research Foundation in Chicago.
The jury of the Goldblatt Awards consists of The Chair of the Awards Committee and the previous awardees. The Awards have been given yearly since 1961. Recipients have been 53 cytologists from 21 countries. Recipients receive a gold medal and an honorarium.
The Maurice Goldblatt Awards 2020, 2021 and 2022 will be presented at the 21st International Congress of Cytology, Baltimore, USA, November 2022.

Andrew Field

Ashish Chandra

Marianne Engels
Previous Winners from 1961 to present day
2022 |
Andrew S. Field, MB BS, FRCPA, FIAC, Australia |
2021 |
Marianne Engels, MD, FIAC, Germany |
2020 |
Ashish Chandra, MD, MIAC, UK |
2019 |
Syed Z. Ali, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
2018 |
Ritu Nayar, MD, MIAC, U.S.A. |
2017 |
John H. F. Smith, FRCPath, MIAC, United Kingdom |
2016 |
David Kaminsky, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
2015 |
Lukas Bubendorf, MD, MIAC, Switzerland |
2014 |
Philippe Vielh, MD, FIAC, France |
2013 |
Fernando C. Schmitt, MD, FIAC, Portugal |
2012 |
Gladwyn Leiman, MB, FIAC, U.S.A. |
2011 |
Prabodh Kumar Gupta, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
2010 |
Kari J. Syrjänen, MD, FIAC, Finland |
2009 |
Patricia Alonso de Ruiz, MD, FIAC, Mexico |
2008 |
Hiroyuki Kuramoto, MD, FIAC, Japan |
2007 |
Yener S. Erozan, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
2006 |
Svante R. Orell, MD, FIAC, Australia |
2005 |
Marija Us-Krasovec, MD, FIAC, Slovenia |
2004 |
Volker Schneider, MD, FIAC, Germany |
2003 |
Marluce Bibbo, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
2002 |
Alfredo Dabancens-Opazo, MD, MIAC, Chile |
2001 |
Jose Rivera-Pomar, MD, MIAC, Spain |
2000 |
Alain Verhest, MD, FIAC, Belgium |
1999 |
Diane Solomon, MD, MIAC, U.S.A. |
1998 |
Harubumi Kato, MD, FIAC, Japan |
1997 |
Manuel Hilgarth, MD, FIAC, Germany |
1996 |
Dorothy L.Rosenthal, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
1995 |
Kiichiro Noda, MD, FIAC, Japan |
1994 |
William W. Johnston, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
1993 |
Matias Jimenez Ayala, MD, FIAC, Spain |
1992 |
Franco Rilke, MD, FIAC(em), Italy |
1991 |
Masayoshi Takahashi, MD, FIAC, Japan |
1990 |
Michael Drake, M.B., FIAC(hon), Australia |
1989 |
Bernard Naylor, M.B., FIAC(em), U.S.A. |
1988 |
G. Peter Vooijs, MD, FIAC, Netherlands |
1987 |
Marcos Peluffo, MD, FIAC, Argentina |
1986 |
Myron R. Melamed, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
1985 |
Junji Mizuno, MD, FIAC(hon), Japan |
1985 |
Noboru Tanaka, MD, DDS, FIAC, Japan |
1984 |
Claude Gompel, MD, FIAC, Belgium |
1983 |
Shigemitsu Shida, MD,FIAC, Japan |
1982 |
O.A.N. Husain, MD, FIAC, United Kingdom |
1981 |
Jean A. de Brux, MD, FIAC(em), France |
1980 |
Walter Sandritter, MD, FIAC, Germany |
1979 |
John K. Frost, MD FIAC(em), U.S.A. |
1978 |
Magnus L. Nasiell, MD, FIAC, Sweden |
1977 |
Kazumasa Masubuchi, MD, FIAC(hon), Japan |
1976 |
Alexander Meisels, MD, FRCPC, FIAC, Canada |
1975 |
Peter Stoll, MD, FIAC, Germany |
1974 |
Gustave Riotton, MD,FIAC(em), Switzerland |
1973 |
Hans-Juergen Soost, MD, FIAC, Germany |
1972 |
Torbjörn O. Caspersson, M.D, FIAC(hon), Sweden |
1971 |
Stanley F. Patten, MD, PhD, FIAC, U.S.A |
1970 |
Arthur I.Spriggs, MD, FIAC(em), United Kingdom |
1969 |
Paul Lopes-Cardozo, MD, FIAC(em), Netherlands |
1969 |
Josef Zajicek, MD, FIAC, Sweden |
1968 |
Murray L. Baar, MD, Canada |
1968 |
Ewart G. Bertram, PhD, Canada |
1967 |
Emmerich von Haam, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
1966 |
Gunter F. Bahr, MD, FIAC(hon), U.S.A. |
1965 |
James W. Reagan, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
1964 |
Hanns-Werner Boschann, MD, FIAC(hon), Germany |
1964 |
Carlo Sirtori, MD, FIAC(hon), Italy |
1963 |
Leopold G. Koss, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |
1962 |
J.Paul Pundel, MD, FIAC(hon), Luxembourg |
1961 |
George L. Wied, MD, FIAC, U.S.A. |