44th European Congress of Cytology

October 1 - 4 2023
October 01 – 04, 2023
Budapest, Hungary, Budapest Hotel Marriott, Apaczai Csere Janos u. 4. Budapest, Hungary 1052
“The diagnosis by aspiration is as reliable as the combined intelligence of the clinician and pathologist makes it.” (Stewart 1933). The use of the combined intelligence would lead us to the melting point where different “Ideas” dissolve in an equilibrium. The main purpose of the congress is to find the equilibrium.
A rich set of social activities have also been planned. Registration is open.
The IAC examinations will also be held during the meeting. Further information at the Exam Schedule page.
CT(IAC) for cytotechnologists with a least three years experience
IAC International Board of Cytopathology Examination for medical members of at least two years.
The IAC is holding an In-Person Pre-Congress Tutorial which requires extra registration. “An Update in Cytomorphology”
Further information about the Pre-Congress One-Day Tutorial | LINK TO CONGRESS WEBSITE |