Aims of the Committee
To communicate IAC activities and other relevant information on social media and any other medium.
Specific Topics
- Implementing the decisions of the strategy meeting in the communication area
- To collaborate strict with all committees and the Board of Directors
Chair: Christina Zioga
Members: Pam Michelow, Gary Tse, IAC communication officer
Ex-officio: Massimo Bongiovanni and Fernando Schmitt
Chair: Dr. Christina Zioga, MIAC
Christina Zioga is a medical doctor currently working as a consultant Cytopathologist at the “G. Papanikolaou” General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece. She is fascinated by new developments in Science Communication, is a certified lifeguard and a passionate first-aid instructor. It was those first-aid training sessions that led to the conception of the idea of the Diagnostic Medicine ABCDE algorithm. (Link to video on YouTube) Her extensive experience working as a Pathology Laboratory Technician (summa cum laude) led her to choose a Cytopathology residency after the completion of her studies in Medicine. She has also acquired a Master of Science Degree in Medical Informatics. She received a travel award from the Digital Pathology Association (2018) and she has also appeared in consecutive Power Lists of “The Pathologist? journal (2019-2022). Her goals include strengthening Cytopathology as a leader in contemporary medicine.
Dr. Pamela Michelow
Sehr currently has a joint post at the University of the Witwatersrand and the National Health Laboratory Service (the South African public sector laboratory). She is past president of the South African Society for Clinical Cytology (SASCC) and participated as an expert committee member to advise the South African Department of Health on cervical screening policy from 2011-2016. She also served on the International Academy of Cytology general policy and long-term planning committee from 2001-2003 and again in 2008-2010.
Dr. Gary Tse, MIAC
Dr Tse is a professor in the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, Prince of Wales Hospital and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is the vice president for Asia for IAP, and the president of the Hong Kong Division of International Academy of Pathology. Dr. Tse has given many invited presentations, convened regional and international meetings and has published actively in breast pathology, and has published extensively.
The IAC Communications Officer