IAC exams have gone digital

Monday, November 6th 2023

The future of cytopathology is digital. Prepare yourselves for IAC exams without microscopes. The first digital exams on-site were held during the European Congress in Budapest in October 2023. IAC Board Members,
President, Dr. Schmitt, together with Secretary Dr. Bongiovanni, Dr. Syed Ali, Chair of the Cytopathology Board,, Dr. Satoh and the IAC Registrar Donna Russell, CFIAC greeted the three first candidates for the IAC International Board of Cytopathology in digital format.

We are all working hard to translate into other languages and hope to have them ready by next year.

If you wonder, what our IAC exams look like, then have a go at our mock exams here.

October 2023 The first IAC digital exam