September 2010

Aparna Mahajan, MD, Fellow in Cytopathology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

A 50 year old male patient presented with a slow growing sacral mass. Imaging studies revealed a large soft tissue mass measuring 15 cm extending into the bone. Ultrasound guided FNA and core biopsy was performed. FNA smears and touch preparations were made during on site adequacy evaluation/triage by Cytopathology. 

fig 1 sep 10 fig 2 sep 10
Fig. 1 FNA Smear, Diff-Quik stain Fig. 2 FNA Smear, Diff-Quik stain
fig 3 sep 10 fig 4 sep 10
Fig. 3 FNA Smear, Papanicolaou stain Fig. 4 FNA Smear, Papanicolaou stain
fig 5 sep 10 fig 6 sep 10
Fig. 5 Touch preparation, Diff-Quik Stain Fig. 6 Touch preparation, Diff-Quik Stain
fig 7 sep 10 fig 8 sep 10
Fig. 7 Core biopsy H&E Stain Fig. 8 Core biopsy S100 IHC
fig 9 sep 10 fig 10 sep 10
Fig. 9 Core biopsy AE1/AE3-IHC Fig. 10 Core biopsy EMA-IHC

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