August 2010

Walid H. Khalbuss, MD, PhD, FIAC & Amer Heider, MD
Dept of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UMPC), Pittsburgh, PA, USA

The patient is a 33-year old female with no history of malignancy who presents with (10 cm) liver mass. CT-guided Liver FNA was performed. 5 images are provided.

fig 1 aug10 Fig. 1 DQ-stained smears
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x200 right
fig 2 aug10 Fig. 2 DQ stained smears
fig 3 aug10 Fig 3 Pap-stained smear
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x200 right
fig 4 aug10 Fig. 4 Ancillary studies of Reticulum stain, pCEA, CD34 and Glut 1

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