IAC President´s Report for AGM on September 15 2023

Prof. Fernando Schmitt, FIAC

Professor Fernando Schmitt, MD, FIAC

I became President of the IAC at the 2022 International Congress in Baltimore, USA Since then I have worked closely with Massimo Bongiovanni the General Secretary of the IAC, and Allison AustIn, Secretary to the IAC, as an effective executive team, and I thank them for their assistance and all their efforts in managing the IAC.

I am also working closely with the different established IAC committees in attempt to achieve the goals proposed by our strategic meeting in Lisbon 2022. We have established new committees to fulfil these aims.

Communication Committee
Constitution and By-Laws Committee
CT Registry Exam and Renewal Committee
Education Committee
IAC Foundation Committee
International Cytopathology Board Committee
Liaison Committee
Membership Committee
Research and Publication Committee
Site-Selection and Planning Congress

  3. Standards, services, guidelines, publications + JOURNAL – ACTA CYTOLOGICA-

Achievements aligned with decisions of Strategic Meeting

  • Establishment of online exams (contract signed with Smart in Media and first exam will be held in Budapest in October 2023).
  • MOU signed with main pathology and cytopathology societies: ASC, EFCS, SLAC, ESP – involving organization of companion meetings (SLAC in September, EFCS in October and ASC in November)
  • Organization of USCAP IAC Companion Meeting for Baltimore March 2024
  • Renew of MOU with IARC to publish new cytopathology reporting systems: breast, liver, kidney and adrenal, 2023.
  • Start the organization of next ICC 2025 in Florence, with active participation of IAC in the establishment of the scientific program together with the officers of SIAPEC and local organized committee.
  • Reinforcing the social media tools: new website, LinkedIn account.
  • Expansion of the staff with a specialist in communication
  • Approval of the basis for launch the IAC Foundation

To-do list for the next period

To do list for the next period

  • Have a calendar of Tutorials and Webinars for 2024
  • Revise the contract with Karger for online only option for Acta for some IAC members
  • Reformulate the internal rules, making more clear and publishing in the website
  • To implement the decisions of the strategy meeting to increase membership and attract young members.
  • To implement the mentorship program.