The Sydney International Academy of Cytology Tutorial 2022

April 1 - 3 2022

Course Directors: Drs. Andrew Field and Fernando Schmitt
The tutorial is aimed at practising pathologists, trainee pathologists and cytotechnologists. The tutorial will be run virtually, with most lectures delivered live and with interactive unknown case slide seminars and live Q&A. You will need your mobile phone and a QR code reader to input your response to the case slides.

This excellent tutorial has now been concluded. So much to see and hear. The videos will be available for all registrants for a limited time. Within the next few days all registrants will receive an email with a link.

Very very big thanks to the tutorial director Dr. Andrew Field for his three day marathon, introducing each lecture and assisting with questions as well as all the preparation time and work in advance. Also a hugh vote of thanks to Dr. Tristan Rutland who supported, guided and accompanied the meeting with his technical skills for all three days. What a great meeting and thank you to everyone who sent an email of thanks.

An intensive tutorial using didactic lectures on the new reporting systems in lung, pancreaticobiliary, lymph nodes and soft tissue, and the revised systems in urine, thyroid and salivary gland, followed by case-based slide seminars demonstrating their practical application. There were also lectures on molecular pathology applications in cytopathology and on HPV Primary Testing.

The tutorial was aimed at practicing pathologists, trainee pathologists and cytotechnologists. The tutorial was run virtually, with most lectures delivered live and with interactive unknown case slide seminars and live Q & A